Thursday, 29 January 2015

Places I want to visit - A to Z list (first part)

A for Australia
Sea, beach, sun, surfing, cool people. Australia knows how to live. I mean just google it and look at the beautiful  pictures that come up. Also I'm kinda in love with their accent!

B for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brooke from World of Wanderlust wrote a whole post on why to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina and it totally got me! Beautiful architecture as well as landscape - my perfect city!

C for China
Nope, I can't believe it either, I've never been to China. One of the fastest growing economies and centre of many fashion as well as beauty trends - every blogger should go there at least once in their life!

D for Denmark
Danes have style, their design is world famous. Everything appears to be creative and different there and I need to see it myself!
E for Egypt
I've actually already been in Egypt, but I was like 5 years old. I want to go again and ride a camel and see the pyramids and just be a tourist... GOALS

F for France
France is always worth a visit, whether you go to Paris or the south coast! Also I didn't do my French GCSE (a while ago) for nothing...

G for Germany
My homeland. After all no matter how long I live in the UK, I will always have a small space in my heart reserved for this country. Also it really is beautiful there, from mountains to top-modern cities, Germany has it all!

H for Hungary
I've never been anywhere like Hungary and I think it would be really cool to learn more about the culture and people there!

I for Ireland
I could listen to the Irish accent for ages. I sometimes even watch the Irish versions of TV programs just for the accent (yep it's embarrassing). I can't believe I haven't been there yet, definitely a place I need to visit!

J for Japan
They have a bullet train! And robots! And like amazing food! Need any more reasons to go there?

K for Kenya 
Just look at this picture and tell me you don't want to go there!

L for Liechtenstein
Just because it is super tiny! Haha nah, it might be small, but it's got a big heart. Ok, I'm going to stop now, it's not funny. Liechtenstein has the most beautiful green landscapes that are super photo worthy and is just a generally really cute country.

I hope you enjoyed my list of places I want to visit, stay tuned for part two! Also write the name of a country you really want to see in the comments!

Love you lots <3

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  1. Awesome, I have been to 5 of these. Hungary is SO hot and humid in the summer!

  2. Love this idea it is fabulous! And good choice with Ireland hehe :)

    Bebhinn + A Judge Less Life

  3. I love these sort of lists. Been to C, F, G, and J, and can definitely tell you that Japan is way more than robots and food - and China is not somewhere you'd want to drive! Though the architecture is amazing and East Asia in general is well worth a visit!

    little miss fii || Fii x
