Sunday, 8 February 2015

Weekly roundup: scarves and healthy lunch boxes

This week has been a blur of illness for me. The flu has invaded my college and everyone is having a coughing competition. However the people in charge have decided that attending classes is more important than being healthy, so they drag us in every day and we spend the day spreading bacteria and infecting whoever has managed to resist the wave of viruses so far.
I think you can imagine that I am not too sad that this week is finally over.

The phase of being constantly ill has affected my fashion style as well and I found myself reaching to scarves daily. Why? They keep you warm and provide at least a bit of protection from people coughing in your face. Also they do add a nice touch to your outfit ;)
Here are some of my favourites:

plaid scarf - H&M

I also tried eating extra healthy in the hope of fighting the flu with an overload of vegetables. Not sure if it worked but I have developed a slight addiction to lunchbox salads. Since I couldn't carry all the vegetables into school, I went for salads made out of the veggies (duh what else) instead. So good and refreshing!
My favourite one was what I call 'explosion of red'. I only used red peppers and tomatoes and cut some chicken into pieces. To finish it off I used a bit of plain Greek yogurt and lots of salt and pepper (my taste buds weren't doing their job all too well this week). SO GOOD!

I hope you liked this post and it wasn't too honest for you ;) I assume your week was a bit better, let me know your favourite thing that happened! Mine was going rock climbing on Friday when I was starting to feel better.

Please follow me on bloglovin, I am trying to reach my goal of 50 followers. Love you lots!!

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