Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Life hacks that you need in your life

A life hack is any simple tip that can change your life for the better or just make it easier. Since lots of people have exams at the moment (me included), I thought this is just what we need. Are you ready to turn your life around?

Put clear nail polish on the inside of your rings
Do you get these green rings around your finger when wearing cheap rings?  Yep me too. My friend recently told me this super easy trick to prevent your rings from tarnishing - just apply a thin coat of clear nail polish to the inside of your ring. It's that simple and totally works!

Eliminate fake tan streaks with lemon juice
Summer is slowly approaching and we are all yearning that lovely tan. Some of us might decide to quicken mother nature a bit and use fake tan - it's no crime, we've been there. However it doesn't always give you a lovely, evenly spread tan. So when your fake tan is looking a bit too fake, just rub over it with lemon juice. Add a bit of baking soda for maximum effect.

Use hair clips to organise long wires
Untangling your earphones can be an absolute nightmare, so to prevent it from happening just roll it up and hold in place with a hair clip. Seriously, it saves you a lot of time and patience.

Make your perfume last longer
Especially when you sweat a lot (as we all do when it gets hot), your perfume wears off super quick, which can be annoying when you are trying to impress that special someone. Or maybe you just enjoy smelling good. Anyway, to make your perfume stay on longer, just apply a bit of Vaseline on to the spots where you usually apply the scent, before spritzing it.

Nail polish stain removal and less sweat
For these two life hacks you only need 2 objects that should be an essential in your bathroom. Firstly, use toothpaste to remove those pertinacious nail polish stains. It saves you a lot of anger trust me. Second, try applying your deodorant at night to reduce sweat - it'll also be more effective.
Last but by no means least is this website. It is basically a search engine that finds you recipes based on the ingredients you have at home. Now tell me that doesn't sound genius! You can select you ingredients as well as dietary restrictions and even find recipes by name. This has literally saved me so many times (and no I'm not sponsored to say this).

Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you have any life hacks that have turned your life around! Stay strong, the end is in sight! Love ya..

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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Isabella Plantation

Many people are surprised to know, that London has some of the most beautiful parks I have ever visited. One of them certainly is Richmond Park, with its variety of wildlife and secret oases of beauty. Today I was again thrown into a whole other world, named Isabella Plantation (cheesy yes but true). It is known for its large collections of Rhododendrons and Camellias which are now starting to bloom and let me tell you - it is beautiful. So if you don't enjoy looking at photos of beautiful flowers, then this blogpost might not be for you, because that is basically it. I am still in trance from all the natural beauty I have witnessed and I want to share this experience with you in the best way that I can. So, line up the photos:

Even the gate looks cool...

You might find the occasional person in the photos, as it was already super packed and so hard take photos.
My favourite place in the plantation

My shoes had the perfect colour ;)

This is probably my favourite photo!

I would really recommend going there, especially now that everything is blooming! Just make sure you go as early as possible as this is a very popular place for families to go to and it get pretty packed. Like I went there at 10am and I was definitely not alone.
Hope you enjoyed this post, sorry if you don't like the photo posts as much. There might be a beauty or life hacks post coming up veryyyyy soon ;)
Love ya lots

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Disclaimer: All photos are my property and copyrighted.

Saturday, 9 May 2015


So I literally just finished watching the movie 'Lucy' starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman and it has absolutely blown my mind. It is about a girl that through unfortunate events gets infected by drugs that help her achieve her minds full potential. The film is based on the old theory that we only use 10% of our brain, which is as modern scientists believe, highly fictional. So if you are looking for a documentary on the brain, this is not your shout. To really enjoy this film you need to look over the fact what is real and what isn't and just go with the story.

Lucy (2014 film) poster.jpg

Not knowing what to expect when I started watching it, it has turned out to be one of the most thought through and mind blowing films I have ever watched. The complexity of the story line expresses the genius planning that has gone into the production.

I also want to talk about Scarlett Johannson's fantastic performance, I mean she never fails to impress. She managed to sell a highly fictional and sometimes over-the-top character in an engaging and captivating way. Another actor who always delivers top quality is of course Morgan Freeman. Seriously, I have never met anyone who can radiate intelligence like him.

If you want to watch a nice movie with a happy- ending, this is not what you are looking for. However if you are up for 1 and a half hours of complete mind-altering action that demands an alert mind, then you should definitely give it a go. Also I seriously feel extremely wired right now, so if you need to boost your thinking, maybe this film will help.

Lastly, I am well aware that I should be revising right now, however I have been feeling very poorly for the past 3 days and my body needed some time out. As I wrote in my last post, a little break once in a while never hurt nobody.

I hope you liked this post, even though it is not what I usually write about. I just needed to share my excitement about this film as too many people appear to get hung up on the fact that it is based on a faulty theory. I mean, it is classed as science-fiction for a reason ;)

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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

5 ways to revise more efficiently

Fellow students, I feel your pain. The time of non-stop revision and living on coffee has come. However I know how difficult it can be to really concentrate on learning whatever it is you need to know. This is coming from the queen of distraction.... I'd literally do anything rather than revision. But it has to be done, so here are my top 5 tips to step up your revision game.

1) Turn your mobile off
Seems obvious? My phone is probably the biggest distraction ever, I could spend hours watching Youtube, chatting to people on Twitter or stalking Instagram. So if I really want to revise without being disturbed, I have to turn off my phone. I really recommend it to anyone who has the same problem. And if you keep turning it on again, put it somewhere out of reach or even 'hide' it from yourself! Seems a bit over the top but I know enough people who need that.

2) Set yourself a goal
Plan your day and set yourself a goal, e.g. I am going to complete 2 past papers in Maths today and revise the key terms for Chemistry. If you plan out what you want to get finished, you are more likely to actually do it as otherwise you will feel disappointed in yourself.

3) Get used to a certain revision routine
This is extremely important if you have study leave! Get used to revising at certain times as it stops you from watching just 'one more' episode on Netflix. Also it really helps getting up early, as it sets you off for a productive start rather than sleeping in till 12 (which is sometimes necessary, I get it). Try sticking to your normal college/school time table as you are accustomed to learning at these times.

4) Take a break
Give yourself a break every now and then. After an hour of hardcore revision (personally) my brain needs a break. Go for a walk, open the windows or have a chat with someone nearby. It helps you relax a bit, so when you go back to revision, you will be able to concentrate better.

5) Drink plenty of water
Last but not least - water. Yes, I know you've heard it all before and all you want to drink is coffee. I am guilty of doing exactly that. However too much coffee can be unhealthy and will not have the desired effect. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and you will be able to remember a lot more. There is even a study that says drinking plenty of water helps alleviate exam anxiety. What are you waiting for?

Finally I can only stress that everyone revises differently and I am not saying that you have to do any of these things. They have helped me revise more successful, but maybe they just aren't for you (although the water one should apply to everyone). I wish you the best of luck with your exams, keep your eyes on the price ;) Love ya.

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