Saturday, 9 May 2015


So I literally just finished watching the movie 'Lucy' starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman and it has absolutely blown my mind. It is about a girl that through unfortunate events gets infected by drugs that help her achieve her minds full potential. The film is based on the old theory that we only use 10% of our brain, which is as modern scientists believe, highly fictional. So if you are looking for a documentary on the brain, this is not your shout. To really enjoy this film you need to look over the fact what is real and what isn't and just go with the story.

Lucy (2014 film) poster.jpg

Not knowing what to expect when I started watching it, it has turned out to be one of the most thought through and mind blowing films I have ever watched. The complexity of the story line expresses the genius planning that has gone into the production.

I also want to talk about Scarlett Johannson's fantastic performance, I mean she never fails to impress. She managed to sell a highly fictional and sometimes over-the-top character in an engaging and captivating way. Another actor who always delivers top quality is of course Morgan Freeman. Seriously, I have never met anyone who can radiate intelligence like him.

If you want to watch a nice movie with a happy- ending, this is not what you are looking for. However if you are up for 1 and a half hours of complete mind-altering action that demands an alert mind, then you should definitely give it a go. Also I seriously feel extremely wired right now, so if you need to boost your thinking, maybe this film will help.

Lastly, I am well aware that I should be revising right now, however I have been feeling very poorly for the past 3 days and my body needed some time out. As I wrote in my last post, a little break once in a while never hurt nobody.

I hope you liked this post, even though it is not what I usually write about. I just needed to share my excitement about this film as too many people appear to get hung up on the fact that it is based on a faulty theory. I mean, it is classed as science-fiction for a reason ;)

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