Saturday, 30 January 2016

Pros and cons of cutting your hair short

I've already written a blogpost about how I cut my very long hair into a pixie this summer. Over the time I've learnt a lot of things about having short hair and even though I do really love it, there are also some downsides (as always in life). I thought I'd share them with you as it might help someone in the same position as I was.

  • it's so much lighter and feels a lot healthier
  • it's great in the summer heat
  • you feel strong
  • it takes like 5 minutes to wash and dry
  • curling it takes 10 seconds
  • having long hair for literally your whole life is boring
  • it turns into different hairstyles as it grows out (but this can also be a pain in the ***)
  • actually takes a lot longer to style than long hair as you can't just leave it as it is
  • people will compare you to every celebrity with short hair they know... I've had Shailene Woodley, Jennifer Lawrence and more
  • you will miss your long hair when you watch other girls flipping their mane
  • flannels make you look like a lesbian
  • getting it out of your face for e.g. sport is close to impossible
  • you look like your hair exploded in the morning

But in the end it really doesn't matter. Because you took that risk, you stepped outside your comfort zone, the hair will grow again and you are looking fierce.

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Saturday, 23 January 2016

21 things to do on cold and rainy days

We all know these cold and rainy days, where all you want to do is cuddle up inside. However this can get very boring very quickly - hence I have come up with 21 things to do when you're stuck inside:

1. Read a book
2. Bake
3. Harry Potter film marathon
4. Pamper yourself
5. Catch up on sleep
6. Go to the gym 
7. Tidy your room
8. Cinema
9. Cook something new
10. Write a blogpost
11. Bundle up and go for a walk
12. Try a DIY
13. Watch an entire F.R.I.E.N.D.S. season
14. Online shopping
15. Do a puzzle
16. Teach yourself a new skill (e.g. handstand)
17. Have a photo shoot
18. Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time
19. Paint a picture
20. Spend time with family
21. Make a list

 What do you do on those days? Let me know in the comments!

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Friday, 15 January 2016

How to accomplish your New Year's resolutions

We are now in the middle of January and most people will have already given up on their resolutions. If you're still sticking to yours or have already struggled, here are some tips on how to reach the goals you set yourself for 2016.

1. Be realistic
If you're resolution is to save the world, you are pretty unlikely to achieve that. In all seriousness, set small goals that can be achieved if you stick to a plan. For example if you want to get fit, get the 'My Trainer Dasi' app on you phone and complete your personalised exercises each day (not sponsored). I have been sticking with their exercise plan and already been seeing great results. Getting fit isn't something you can do overnight, it takes time and determination, as does basically every goal you set. 

2. Tell people about it
Telling other people such as your family and friends about your resolution will help you stick with it as you don't want to openly fail. They can also greatly support you and maybe even take part in accomplishing your resolution. 

3. Believe in yourself
If you start with the outlook that you'll fail anyways, you are more likely to do so. Have a positive attitude and remember that a setback is simply a setback and not a failure. Keep telling yourself that you can do it and you will start to believe in it. 

4. Track your progress
Actually being able to see the progress you've made will keep up your motivation and show you that your goal is achievable. 

5. Find like minded people
If your resolution is to get fit, join an exercise class. If you're resolution is to travel more, the Internet provides amazing opportunities to talk to people and exchange travel information. If you're resolution is to do more for other people, think about joining a charity. You get the point. 

6. Step out of your comfort zone
This is necessary to achieve your goal as it is likely that you want to accomplish something you are not 100% comfortable with doing. The gym can be a scary place and smiling more seems impossible when you're tired. However when you finally do it, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment and it will immediately lift your spirits. 

7. Listen to yourself
Your body is your temple. Treat it well and take care of it, even if that means taking a step back in reaching your goals. Reward yourself if you have accomplished something particularly difficult and make sure your resolution is actually doing something good for you. If it doesn't, you should strongly think about changing it or even giving up completely. Because in the end your main resolution should be to be happy.

Do you have any more tips on how to accomplish your New Year's resolutions? What are your resolutions?
Mine is to have the best year ever ;)

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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why 2016 is going to be MY year!

I haven't posted in too long. I've missed the train of posts about how to make 2016 your year. However that's how life goes. A new year might be a perfect time to start anew but it isn't your only opportunity to do so. You will have set goals for this year and you might realise halfway through that you are nowhere near reaching them. Would you give up and just wait for another year to start? Or would you just that day decide to change things?
This year is going to be my year because I will take my life in my hands and use every day to start anew. I will make mistakes and thing will go wrong but I will stay strong and use the new day to change my life. You don't need a new year to decide to get fit. You don't need a new year to finally book the holiday of your lifetime. All you need is the strength to do what you've always dreamt of.

In my case this means going to Australia for a year. Alone. It is not about finding myself or anything like that, it is simply about seeing the country I have dreamt about my whole life and proving MYSELF that I can do it. Yes, it is scary. Yes, not everything is going to go to plan. Yes, I will miss my family and friends like crazy. But I will also make memories that'll last a lifetime. I will challenge myself everyday. I will explore the outback and go surfing. I will live my life and not only watch it pass by.

2016 will be my year. Make it yours too!

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